For the first pavilion in Ghent Veridiana Zurita, Petra Van Dyck and Lea Dietschmann question the relation between mental health, cure, artistic production, economy and the creation of space. Looking at how neoliberal discourse and the implementation of its policies manage to homogenize institutional structures into systematic machines of good management Zurita / Van Dyck / Dietschmann ally forces towards the imagination of an heterotopic institution between the psychiatric and artistic fields of working. In Precarious Pavilions #1 — Don’t Eat The Microphone they propose some kind of anti-pavilion, an agonistic space, a place for cooking together, for twisting language, fictionalizing discourses and for suspending anesthetized social roles. On the meadow inside of the psychiatric institution they will open, for one month, a space consisting of loose objects — inspired by Lygia Clark’s artistic practice — , a setup of microphones, books, voice effect pedals, instruments, costumes and with a mobile kitchen as the motor for cooking the pathologized polarities between psychotics (insiders) and neurotics (outsiders). During this month Zurita / Van Dyck / Dietschmann will build further upon their experiences of the past four years (Don’t Eat The Microphone has been activated the past four summers, always in slightly different forms), inviting many other people (researchers, activists, practitioners) to fuel their reflection around today’s economic precarity and the consequences for social segregation within and outside institutions. This bunch of people will imagine, speculate, propose, brainstorm, sketch, scream, improvise, stutter, go mad and get silent about other economies of being together.



Weekly: The House Meetings

8 ⇢ 29/06: Ethical Sandwich
with Eli Noé and Christoph Moonen

11 ⇢ 17/06 Impossible Practices
with Carolina Mendonça

11 ⇢ 15/06 The Monastery
with Elke Van Campenhout

11 ⇢ 13/06 Body Library / Elastic Habitat
with Helena Dietrich

16 ⇢ 17/06 A More-Than-Human Economy. Anxiety, precariousness and affective struggle.
with Lara Garcia Diaz

17/06 On Participation
with a.pass

22/06 The Kitchen Table
with BAVO

24/06 Disarranged Electroctopuses in a Transitional Cookery
with Pierre Rubio & Vanja Smiljanic

26/06 Untitled
with Christophe Meierhans

Precarious Pavilions #1 — Don’t Eat The Microphone is the first pavilion in a line of four. Each pavilion is being presented in a different city, season and created by a different artist(collective).

For scheduling visits: DontEatTheMicrophone

More information on past and future editions of Don’t Eat The Microphone (DETM): Here & Here

Created by Veridiana Zurita, Petra Van Dyck and Lea Dietschmann
Curated by Michiel Vandevelde

Production: Disagree. vzw
Coproduction: Vooruit
Presented by: Vooruit and centrum De Meander / Campus Dr. Guislain
With the support of: The Flemish Government